When I met Michelle, she was at the end of her rope. You see, she had taken over the family business when her dad passed, and she was doing her very best to keep it all together. But she was not a bookkeeper. She was a daughter. She grew up in the business, helping her family - so she did what Dad always did. The old way. She needed a financial transformation.

Years passed, and Michelle knew there had to be a better way. She kept doing what she knew how to do, but she kept getting further and further behind. She was frustrated - with the situation - and ultimately herself for letting it get that far. The IRS was knocking at the door, and she didn’t know how to answer.
Finally - scared and vulnerable - she sent an email. “I am in great need of direction and organization.” “I need to fix this.”
It took a lot to reach out.
It takes courage to ask for help.
And I could instantly feel her pain. “I need to fix this.”
You see, she was blaming herself for the situation.
Blaming herself for things she didn’t know.
No one taught her how to be an accountant or a bookkeeper.
And no one taught you either!
It’s NOT YOUR FAULT. You’re doing the best job you know how to do.
When I met with Michelle, I assured her I could help.
In fact, I was so excited about this project I drove 92 miles in an ice storm to get to her office.
When I got there, what I saw was love.
There was evidence of history, family, and a daughter who loved her Dad in every space.
There were also DOZENS of boxes of records. She had diligently saved everything on paper - just like Dad.
And you know what? That was the best thing she could have done!
I got to work right next to her in that family office. For the next six months (and to this day, actually. Though we’re in maintenance mode now), I visited weekly - sorting, categorizing, creating spreadsheets, and asking questions.
Working alongside Michelle and her family.
Getting to know her and calling her my friend.
Together we turned 7 years of paper records into beautiful Profit & Loss Statements which we were able to give the IRS.
And with the help of tax professionals - who now had exactly what they needed - the threat of huge fines and penalties is completely GONE!
After all that, they didn’t even owe much in taxes.
You see, The biggest threat was the UNKNOWN.
The UNKNOWN is scary.
And keeps us stuck.
But this doesn’t have to be you.
Please don’t wait 7 years to ask for help.
Know that someone is waiting to come alongside you and show you the path.
Last week I visited Michelle, and she had a notice from the IRS pinned to my work area. “I’m so glad that now I can just put this aside and have you explain it to me” “Before, this would have caused so much anxiety, but I know you will help figure it out now.”
And I did. It was a notice indicative of a crossed payment, which we had a postmark for. In a file, clearly marked and pulled out in 3 seconds flat.
No more anxiety. Just like that.
I LOVE my business!
I LOVE my clients!
And I LOVE seeing the financial transformation that comes from having someone on your side - rooting for you.
Together all things are possible!
Are you going to be next?
